Azonos az ENSZ kormányzati kiadások funkciók szerinti osztályozásával (COFOG). Az egyéni fogyasztás cél szerinti osztályozása (COICOP) nomenklatúra tartalmazza a COFOG bizonyos funkcióit, amelyek fogyasztása egyéni jellegű (egészségügy, szabadidő és kultúra, oktatás, szociális védelem). Felelős személy: Juhász Anita


Sektor (cofog):. Helse; Utdanning. Summary: Kan valfrihet och rättvisa kombineras i en marknadsstyrd välfärd? Vilka av demokratins principer 

(offentliga utgifter enligt COFOG). Page 47. Page 48. Page 49 men blir det begripligt?

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Az osztályozás elemeinek kód számát és megnevezését tartalmazza. COFOG struktúra (pdf, 104 KB) Tartalom. Az osztályozás elemeinek tartalmi meghatározása. Segítséget ad az osztályozás kategóriáiba történő besorolásához. COFOG … COFOG-A classifies and groups government expenditure according to type of government function or purpose, and is an important input in determining funding flows from the Australian Government to state, territory and local governments.


As Table B.1 illustrates, first-level COFOG splits expenditure data into ten “functional” groups or sub-sectors of expenditures (such as defence, education and social protection), and second-level COFOG further splits each first-level group into up to nine sub-groups. While first-level COFOG data are available for 31 out of

CO Radio Frequency List. OSFMO Mobilazation Frequencies. COFOG Interface Frequency Plan.


Classifications of Functions of Government. Contribute to datasets/cofog development by creating an account on GitHub.

11 Please refer to the dataset Government expenditure by function (COFOG), 2019 archive to access longer time series based on the methodology prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions. Översättnings-API; Om MyMemory; Logga in Den offentliga sektorns utgifter COFOG Användningssyfte Ändamålsindelningen av den offentliga sektorns utgifter COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government), är avsedd för att beskriva den offentliga sektorns ekonomiska åtgärder. The COFOG classification describes government expenditure according to 10 major functions or purposes: 1) general public services, 2) defence, 3) public order and safety, 4) economic affairs, 5) environmental protection, 6) housing and community amenities, 7) health, 8) recreation, culture and religion, 9) education and 10) social protection.


Classification des fonctions des administrations publiques (COFOG) Citation: Nomenclature des dépenses par fonction: COFOG, COICOP, COPNI, COPP, Série M: No 84, New York: Nations Unies. ändamål COFOG. Totalt 78 Valda Sök. Början av ord. år. Totalt 19 Valda. Sök. Början av ord.
Socialtjänsten brottsoffer


The expenditures of the Government sector is presented by type of transactions and functions under the classification of functions of government (COFOG).

Contribute to datasets/cofog development by creating an account on GitHub.
Under vilken period är det förbjudet att använda dubbdäck

This manual has been developed and agreed by the Task Force on COFOG in response to an increasing interest in high quality, comparable statistics on 

Helse; Utdanning. Summary: Kan valfrihet och rättvisa kombineras i en marknadsstyrd välfärd?


Its purpose is to "classify the purpose of transactions such as outlays on final consumption expenditure, intermediate consumption, gross capital formation and capital and current transfers, by general government" (from home page).

Contact mail address: 2, P. Volov Str.; 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria. Contact email address COFOG stands for Classification of the Functions of Government Abbreviation is mostly used in categories: Government Classification Statistics Economics Expenditure Rating: 2 2019-08-21 COFOG Azonosító: 0950 Megnevezés: A kormányzati kiadások funkciók szerinti osztályozása Rövid megnevezés: COFOG Jogi alap (Forrás): • A Tanács 2223/96/EK rendelete (1996. június 25.) a Közösségi nemzeti és regionális The revision of COFOG is being undertaken by the OECD at the request of the Inter Secretarial Working Group on National Accounts. A first draft of the revised classification was presented at the joint UNECE-OECD-Eurostat Meeting of National Accounts Experts in Geneva in May 1996. This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the functions, or socioeconomic objectives, that government aims to achieve through various kinds of expenditure, comprising detailed classifications of general public service, defense, public order and safety, economic affairs, environment protection, housing and community services, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, and social and indicate whether COFOG .